In collaboration with the Washington BlueGreen Alliance, the University of Washington’s Carbon Leadership Forum, and SEI-US, the Clean Energy Transition Institute presented Building Washington’s Clean Materials Manufacturing Economy in June 2022, a gathering of policymakers, labor leaders, industry representatives, and environmental advocates focused on building a shared vision for making the Evergreen State a global leader in clean materials manufacturing.
The summit aimed to:
- Grow awareness of the need for clean materials manufacturing as a critical building block to achieving Washington’s climate goals and for building a fair green economy, and the need for a targeted and coordinated approach to achieve that goal.
- Bridge the gap between Washington’s pursuit of net-zero by 2050 and doubling its manufacturing base.
- Build a group of policymakers, industry, environmental, and labor stakeholders invested in collaborating to develop a long-term Washington clean materials manufacturing strategy.
- Elevate clean materials manufacturing as a priority for the 2023 Washington legislative session and beyond.
Day 1:
June 23, 2022
Proceedings on Day 1 of the Summit took place virtually and can be viewed below.
Michael Furze, Washington State Department of Commerce
Panel: Transforming Materials Manufacturing
- Moderator: Jordan Palmeri, Science and Policy Analyst at Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
- Neal Elliott, Director Emeritus at ACEEE
- Derik Broekhoff, Senior Scientist at the Stockholm Environment Institute
- Stacy Smedley, Executive Director at Building Transparency
- Charlotte Brody, VP Health Initiatives at BlueGreen Alliance
Slides: Transforming Materials Manufacturing
Panel: Revitalizing Materials Manufacturing
- Moderator: Sasha Stashwick, Director of Industrial Policy, Climate & Clean Energy Program at NRDC
- John Milko, Climate and Energy Program at Third Way
- Emily Wimberger, Climate Economist at Rhodium Group
- Jessica Koski, Washington State Policy Manager at BlueGreen Alliance
- Shana Peschek, Executive Director at the Machinists Institute
Slides: Revitalizing Materials Manufacturing
Day 2:
June 28, 2022
Approximately 50 stakeholders attended the in-person Day 2 of the Summit. Below you can find the presentations and a summary of proceedings.
Panel: Washington’s Climate Change and Manufacturing Policy Landscape
- Moderator: Eileen V. Quigley, Clean Energy Transition Institute
- Glenn Blackmon, Manager, Washington State Energy Policy Office at DOC
- Hanna Waterstrat, Director, Washington State Office of Efficiency and Environmental Performance at DOC
- Stephanie Celt, Washington State Senior Energy Policy Specialist at DOC
- Joel Creswell, Climate Policy Section Manager at Washington State Department of Ecology
- Carolyn Busch, Washington State Director of Workforce Innovation and Industry Sector Program Coordinator
Slides: Washington's Climate Change and Manufacturing Policy Landscape
Panel: Materials Manufacturing in Washington
- Panel moderated by Don Davies, President at Magnusson Klemencic Associates
- Brent Downey, Manager of Environmental Affairs at Kaiser Aluminum Trentwood
- Pat Jablonski, Environmental Manager at Nucor Steel Seattle, Inc.
Facilitated Discussions
Distillation of Facilitated Discussions